I met Moselle May 15, 2023 when she sat next to me at an Art Prof meetup at Bryant Park, NYC. It was so much fun meeting everyone and looking at everyone's sketchbooks that were passed around. Since following her Instagram account I realized she's a talented photographer who elegantly shares the beauty in the world in an authentic way that draws the viewer in. She gorgeously captures the world around her. I love the composition, colors, and subjects. She creates magazine quality work that I can foresee her eventually working for National Geographic, or a lifestyle and fashion magazine. I can see her being successful at anything she pursues. It is an honor to share her work. Enjoy!
All 5 photos by Moselle Leilynn C. (Leihlynn Studios)
Who are your biggest artistic influences?
(Jel Ena? Vincent Van Gogh, Charmaine Olivia, Gustav Klimt?)
Modern Artists: Valerie Lin and Ashleigh King
What is your favorite art medium?
(Photography, Paint, Pencils, Pastels, Musical instrument, etc…)
Painting, Drawing, and Photography What inspires and motivates you to create? (Emotions, experiences, other people's art, going to an art store, etc.)
My inspiration and motivation ebbs and flows, but I do get inspired when I remember how I felt creating something, when I am outside and the beauty of the world inspires me, or when I look at other's art.
Do you have an art routine?
(Every Saturday morning? Late at night when everyone is asleep?)
I tend to do most of my editing late at night.
What value does art provide to the world? Art is history, reflection, and solace. If you experience a creative block, how do you overcome it? (Visit a museum? Take a walk? Social Media Break?)
When I experience a creative block, I like to focus on something else that I like to do. For instance, I might take up reading or journaling again when I feel like I can't come face to face with my unfinished paintings.
What is your favorite quote about art?
(There are so many good ones!)
"Every failure is a lesson. Don't be afraid to begin and don't be afraid to let go."
What would be the dream art patron?
(Beyonce? Francoise Bettencourt Meyers? Julia Koch?)
My favorite modern artist, Valerie Lin, would be my dream art patron.
Is there an art medium that you would like to learn one day?
(Film a movie? Oil Painting? Sing?)
If I had the patience and the skills, I would probably take up sculpture again.
Do you have any rituals to get you in the mood to create?
(For instance: Lighting a candle and playing your favorite music? A certain time of day?)
Since I operate more on a feeling with paintings and drawings I tend to play music in the background to set the mood. However, when it comes to editing my photos I rather listen to podcasts: true crime, book reviews, movie/tv show reviews, or comedy. What is an art hack that you learned or discovered that was a game changer in your art practice? (For instance: Using cornstarch to improve cheap paint quality if on a budget. Using a scale divider to achieve accurate proportions in a drawing, etc.)
When I first started as a freelance photographer, I would edit for long hours and felt like I had no time for anything else. However, once I started incorporating AI editing to my workflow, it has given me more time to do what I love, take photos, and take less time editing. I also found that my pictures became more interesting as sometimes editing can make or break a photo. So, I suggest using AI to assist with your workflow and editing, then make your own adjustments and add your creative touch. Tell us about the art you create and what you want to achieve with it. (For instance: To relax? Art activism? To make someone smile?)
I take candid photos that radiates intimacy between partners, family, and the camera. I love doing what I do and working with others. but hopefully I can do it under my own name and business one day. 14. Do you have any announcements you would like to share? (For instance: Show coming up? Published?)
I am available for booking throughout the months of November-January, email or DM me for a quote and book now before the spots are filled!
Contact Leihlynn Studios if you are interested in purchasing a piece, commission, or to follow: IG: @leihlynnstudios TikTok: @leihlynn.studios Email: leihlynnstudios@gmail.com LinkTree Artist Statement I specialize in photography and painting, creating unique stories by capturing genuine smiles and intimacy.